Monday, 21 July 2014

I think you've changed

Thoughts on: A hopeless romance, a missing cupboard & the nostalgic nature of humanity

I know that my time here is coming to an end. I'm ready to go. Yet I'm not that ready. I guess you could see it coming: My next sentence and how it will begin: There's this guy... And this is how all the good and the bad stories start. The live changing stories, or the bed time stories, the stories that last a life time or just a week. The love stories. 

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I'm standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say Goodbye - John Denver

So there's this guy. I'm not going to talk about how we met, how he looks like or whatever. I'm just going to talk about how he is. And how he makes me feel.
Whenever I feel lonely, he reminds me that I'm not. He cares. I lie next to him - without having sex and without kissing, just staring at him, for hours, staring back at me and it feels good. I don't wonder much about what this is or how we got this. I just want to go on like this forever. I don't want to change it, to develop (even though I know it's neccessary), to break up or to really commit to it. Because I don't want to destroy it. For him, I'm the first one. 

On the one hand. this feels awkward, because I am afraid he will regret it and because he's not the first one for me. 
On the other hand, it's so unbelievably beautiful, it's special. He does not try to manipulate me, he has no high expectations, no broken hearts and no crying nights due to failed relationships on his back. He still believes in love. He's innocent. I like that so much. Maybe because I'd love to be like this again. I would like to go back to my 16th year, before I had my first boyfriend, when love was that ONE BIG THING: that dream, that miracle to find. 
I don't know why this makes me cry now.

When I was younger, I was very afraid of change. For example, I cried so badly when we got a new cupboard in our living room. (#firstworldproblems, I know, but) How was I supposed to live with a new one yet the old one had been so good and reliable and felt like home to me? 

How was I supposed to stand a life where everything I loved was changed constantly, taken away from me or replaced by something worse? How was I supposed to be happy when I knew everyone was going to die eventually at a time in the future, because everyone grows older? And how was I supposed to sustain growing older, being an adult, leaving childhood behind and my parents dying before me?
I hated these nights when I lay awake for hours with the carousel of painful thoughts and questions going on and on in my tiny head. In the end, I cried myself to sleep, over and over. Not every night of course, but some nights - especially when I hadn't kept my mind occupied by other not-so-important things that regarded my daily life. 

Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wish they'd just fall off - FUN.

My biggest fear was change. Change that would make my body look different and make me feel ugly (commonly known as puberty, kids). Change that would come with the time, inevitably and fast, and give my parents grey hair and wrinkles and would make them die -sooner or later. Change that would end every good time I ever had. And what follows after a good time? For sure, a bad time. There weren't going to be good times following good times forever. I was convinced that change would destroy everything. Change would make everything worse.

Now my home, soon a memory, because everything changes.

Is there still a bit of this fear inside of me? With the years going by, with accepting myself how I've become when I developed, matured and changed, I changed my regard on change. I learned to be more accepting. I accepted change as a part of life. Change is the only abstract thing that is unchangeable. It comes with the time, that goes by and that is unstoppable, no matter what you try. The time as a physical factor noone really understands. Isn't change as a result of passing time the essence of life? Everything is in motion, everything dies and something new is born and even if the material doesn't vanish (like e.g. water) it changes constantly, to ice, raindrops, water from a source, in a stream, in a toilet, frozen in a glacier or on my cheek when I cried my eyes out because of a cupboard that was tossed in the trash 12 years ago. 

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged 
- The Beatles
You see, I've accepted change, It doesn't frighten me anymore. Or does it? Or does it just make me look back on my "unchanged" or "innocent" self, the past-Lotta, with all her morals and beliefs and opinions? I don't know if she would have liked me now, the Now-Lotta (that will be the new past-Lotta in a few seconds), I often like to imagine she would tell me I've become a bitch. I've changed too much. I've gone to far. But where do we go from here? 
I can't get back.

If I think closely about it, I don't want to get back. It's just this kind of nostalgia you like to plunge yourself in when you meet someone like him. But you recognize, maybe everything is lovely now but it isn't going to work out, because he's going to England for a year starting in September, and you are beginning your studies in Germany, "environ" (=roughly speaking) 861 kilometres away from him. 
Adding to this, you have the solid base of barely one month together in which you weren't really in a relationship at any point. How lovely is that?
On top of all, you see, you're just not on the same level. Yes, you like his sweetness, his innocence, the romantic stuff- but is that really you, how you are now? Not really. 
This is what little 14-year-old-Lotta longed for on the sofa, with her braces watching High School Musical for a billionst time. But is that really you, "grown-up", responsable, 19-year-old-Lotta, an adult, an to-be university student, who does her own laundry, independant, studies for a politics exam, likes contemporary art, has had ONS and still feminist ideas? Maybe you could be together. 
You could be truly in love, you and him, if you would both stay here and had the time. But you know what? You don't have the time. That's life.

You, dear reader, get me. You see that I like the idea of "past-me" and "now-me" and "future-me" as if they were seperated from each another. In fact they are all me, inevitably connected, myself in all varies and shapes and sizes. It's fascinating, isn't it? 
How change, how all the factors of change (time, journeys, people, environment, ideas, experiences, a book, an article, music, a single sentence, a look...) can make you a different person, with every thought, every love story, every year on your back you get richer and better and in the same time more complicated and hurt.

I unsuccessfully tried to find I good metaphor for this. The best I can offer is, to see your personality as a book, or better, a story. A story that is rewritten, changed, edited, expanded, completed, cut off, ripped out and glued together again in a randomly beautiful mess. 
There's no such thing as a "simple character". Constantly changing who I am, I like to document moments, I like to keep records of my change, take snapshots of the versions my story can show. In my poorly written songs and poetry, my blog (YES, THIS IS A SNAPSHOT RIGHT NOW) and right on top my diaries. Because humans love to be nostalgic. 
You can have a good time judging yourself at the age of 3 in pampers giggling and playing in the sand in a bleached out photograph, remembering "The Good Old Times" with your buds enjoying a beer in a bar, laughing at your heartbreak in 7th grade when you were convinced you'd never go out ever again when you read your old journals... 

Every human loves to look back on his life, pictures and pieces of texts and memories and says things like: "Isn't it funny how hideous I looked in my braces?" and "Oh it was sooo ugly that old cupboard in our living room!" and to smile about that lovely little love story that was never meant to be written.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Goodbye ?

It's been a while I know. I had some stuff going on with that one guy I've never told you about but I'm tired of talking (and thinking) about him because it's over before it has even started,  I really don't want to talk about it, so...

I'm saying goodbye again, soon. Or I'm actually saying Goodbye already. Today I had to give my 9-year-old host child girl her goodbye present - an album full of photos of our year together. With a smiling eye I see in the future, because I don't have to care about all those children problems anymore (like where's my stuffed animal? Or can I have ice cream? Why does my brother get all the attention? etc. etc. etc.) and I can make a new start. 

I'm really in for new starts. I'm excited to LEARN again. To actually put stuff into my head, to read, to improve my writing, my knowledge and my skills. I'm craving to learn after that year. The only "intelligent input" I got, I got through books (as normal) and cultural stuff I had to do in my free time. That was no bad, because I got to see many, many inspiring exhibitions, got to know more and different artists and ways you can perceive and do art and got to think about art and culture and how they can be impulses for my brain and my mind. 

I'm going to miss the endless, illimited access to art, music and culture I have here in Paris. I still haven't watched a theater play but it's overdue! I do visit a lot of museums, some seldom, some even regularly, like the Centre Pompidou, I watch a lot of movies (the cinema card, remember?) and I attended some concerts. I like to think I've done a lot during my 10 months here. 

Now, with July, the last month of this year abroad, this amazing time in Paris, starts. And there, the crying eye comes in... I'm using the last, the fourth toothbrush and my parents took my IKEA carpet and a not so small suitcase to Germany with them, when they visited, end of May. Ever since, my "chambre de bonne" looks empty, not as comfortable as in winter. It also reminds me adamantly of my departure and the Goodbyes that I have to face in a short while. On top of that, it brings back the memories of how it all began, the starting days in late August, when I arrived here for the first time.

When this was only a room, not home. When I didn't know the names of the streets or where to board exactly on the metro platform to change trains in the best way at République later. When I had no friends here and no idea how the other interns looked like or were like. When I imagined my year so brightly but also so differently as it turned out to be.

Open the boxes, unpack what you own.
Hang up some posters and make this a home.
Walk down the stairs and open the door.
Look at the things you've never seen before.

This is the beginning, of anything you want.
This is the beginning…
This is the beginning, of anything you want.
This is the beginning…

Get on the buses, learn numbers and names
Your eyes are the camera, your heart is the frame
Hum a new song as you walk down the streets,
Soon they'll be full with friends and memories. - BOY (This is EXACTLY how it felt)

Why did I put a question mark there, in the title, you may ask. I'm not going to stay here, that's for sure. But who knows if I will come back or not. Maybe I'll live here with my family, 20 years from now, maybe not, but I could. When I was babysitting two cute boys from my "Kindergarten" last week-end, I realized that I could do it. I could do anything. There are people doing it everyday. Moving away from "home" and making a new place what home is ought to be. Marry a French man, have kids with him, send them to a French-German kindergarten and school. Go to apérétifs and theater plays, go out in the parks, spend my days doing a job I love, have a nice appartment in the 10eme arrondissment in Paris. I could do anything. I could be anything.

I could just stay here forever. And lie in parks and drink beer in bars.

For now, I'm returning. But goodbye ain't goodbye. Because I'm sure I will come back. And I know, it sounds kitschy and cliché and everything. But I don't care. So here it is: Paris will always be in my heart. I found a new home there. I fell in love there. I won't forget it. So this Goodbye will just be temporary, while most of the other goodbyes (real goodbyes - with people), will be for long, maybe forever. This is hard. I feel the tears coming but I won't let them run down my cheeks. All these kids and their futures lying in front of them like an endless pool of possibilites and chances and failure and changes and love and death.
I love them, each and everyone of them - and some won't even remember me. 

I wish them luck on their way but I know I can't be there for them to help. I can't educate them or raise them any longer, I can't be their mentor, nor their friend. They have to make it on their own. It hurts. But they will.

Paris, tu vas me manquer. Je te dis Au Revoir mais c'est promis: Je vais revenir, mon amour!