Monday, 12 May 2014

Bucket List

Everything has an end. And somehow, we believe that we have to accomplish certain things during a life period. That's why there are so many lists and books and magazines telling you what you have to do before you... marry, are 30, die. Which places you have to see and which things you should definitely do during your time in college, high school or on that trip to London. 

Something I've already done: Drinking ice tea under the Eiffel Tower !
But besides, I'm not sure if anyone considers this to be a thing ..

There is one voice inside of my head (kind of schizophrenic isn't it?) who is trying to defend me (us?) from this "Schubladendenken" (thinking in stereotypes) trying to press your experience of a place, a journey or your life in general in a pre-assembled shape. Like: If you didn't do this or that you're college time is worth a shit. 

When I grow up, I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies. When I grow up, I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies 
- Pussy Cat Dolls (Never thought I'd ever quote them ...)

But the other voice says: Hey, maybe it isn't that bad of an idea... Especially when it's you who makes the rules. Or in this case, the list. A list of things you really really really want to do. Or at some point in your past decided to do at some point in the future. You and I, we both know the sad truth about most of the things we say "We'll do that later..." or "when we grow up..." or "when we have retired..." - They are mostly never going to happen. 

And afterwards, we regret never having done them. 
I'm not quiet at the point, in my almost 19-year-old life that I can make a list about what to accomplish and do and success in the whole of my life yet.

But I'm more than ready to make a Bucket List for the remaining 2 and a half months of what is supposed to be the best year of my entire life. (And by now, it isn't disappointing, is it?) So this is my...

Paris Bucket list
  • Climb on a rooftop
  • Take fancy pictures in a cute dress at the most romantic places around town
  • Visit the Bois de Bologne and the Bois the Vincennes 
  • Go on at least one more amazing concert
  • Visit the scary side of Paris in "les Catacombes"
  • Watch a theater play
  • Buy a French Book
  • Having taken every metro line at least once
  • Go clubbing in the "Cabaret Sauvage", and the "Rex Club"
  • See the inside of the Rodin Museum
  • Kiss someone under the Eiffel Tower 
  • Make a boat tour on the Seine
  • Make a little piece of streetart myself
  • Buy the one item that will always remind me of my time here
  • Randomly approach someone on the street or in a park
  • See a very good French Movie (Hey, I actually did it!)

A French version of American Pie, mixed with prostitution and a different point of view.

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