Saturday 25 February 2017

An alternative life

His room a refuge. An intellectual dream capsule that represents him in many ways.

Perlmuttfarbenes Meer und rostrote Felsen und eine Stadt dazwischen.

Noticing contrasts. Old - New. Liberal - Traditional 

Taste and longing. You can't have everything.

Barely isolated windows and lonely books looking for new stories.

This calm regarding arousing events. Let the world flow by for a minute. 

The joy of doing nothing with a coffee in your hands.

When the sun comes back and you realized how you missed her.

Zines, illustrations, appreciation for art and for being different.

Diving into a world of caring kind people who turn saved food into soup and do jam sessions in green houses.

Being funky. Seeing light things.

Lastly, people who you want to see smile, smile at you. 

Getting back on track takes a bit more but we'll make it.

Thanks, Edinburgh. 
December 2016